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Újévi Kuponkód
20 000 Forint feletti kosárértéknél 2 000 Forint kuponkedvezmény:
Újévi Kuponkód
20 000 Forint feletti kosárértéknél 2 000 Forint kuponkedvezmény:
Újévi Kuponkód
20 000 Forint feletti kosárértéknél 2 000 Forint kuponkedvezmény:
Újévi Kuponkód
20 000 Forint feletti kosárértéknél 2 000 Forint kuponkedvezmény:

Relaxopet RelaxoPet PRO horse health

net 70 EUR + VAT
gross 89 EUR
net 58.11 GBP + VAT
gross 74 GBP

Help your horse to relax optimally in stressful situations.

RelaxoPet PRO HorseUnfortunately, our loyal horse friends sometimes suffer from stress caused by, f.e., loud sounds, fireworks, thunderstorms or loneliness. By using the Relaxopet Pro, you can help your horse to relax in stressful situations. Place the device in the desired location and the sound waves will help your horse to calm down and relax, based on the latest, frequent vibrations for horses, in a compact design. The vibrations are hardly perceptible to people, however are very effective to the subconsciousness of the horse.   The device is practical, wireless, functions on a powerful rechargeable battery and has no side effects. Developed in collaboration with vets, breeders and pet owners.Ideal in below circumstances          Thunderstorm          Fireworks          Agressiveness          Feeling alone          Travel anxiety          Environmental changes          Anxiety          Etc.RelaxoPet Pro includes          Audible and inaudible sound waves          Battery          USB charge cable          Pro timer function          Noise motion function          3 x battery-indicator and light          Micro USB charger          Quick guideSuited for all kinds of stress–situations in horses, regardless of age and breed. DimensionsDiametre: 6.2 cmHeight: 5.5 cmTechnical data5 V DC, 600mASpeaker4 Ohm, 3WRelaxopet Pro > The relaxation coach for your pet!Specifically for travelling: RelaxoPet Pro Bag.   

Weight: 0,77 g
Width: 7,5 cm
Height: 22 cm
Length: 25,5 cm
1 st
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The product is currently out of stock. When ordering, the estimated delivery time is 4-5 weeks.